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#FlashbackFriday To The Time When Chris Moneymaker Made The World's Biggest Bluff Poker
Manthra Koliyer
Posted on 17 Sep, 2021
By Manthra Koliyer
On 17 Sep, 2021
By Manthra Koliyer
On 17 Sep, 2021

#FlashbackFriday To The Time When Chris Moneymaker Made The World’s Biggest Bluff

What was on the line? A World Series of Poker bracelet and $2.5 million on line. It was a face-off during the 2003 WSOP Main Event between poker pro Chris Moneymaker versus Sammy Farha when the biggest bluff took place. The blinds were 20,000/40,000 and the game was a heads up between these two pros. 

In the preflop Monkeymaker raised to 2.5 BB with  K♠️ 7♥️ and Farha called with the following hole cards Q♠️ 9♥️. The flop opened to  9♠️ 2♦️ 6♠️. Both the players checked once the flop opened. Moneymaker had some backdoor draws but with King high, he also had a showdown value. The turn opened to 8 ♠️. Farha bet 7.5 BB while Moneymaker raised to 20 BB. Farha called the bet. 

ALSO READ: Chris Moneymaker: From Accountant to Poker Millionaire!

Moneymaker had the chance to call or raise as he had a flush draw and a straight draw. Moneymaker had the chance to take the pot home if a spade opened on the river. The river opened to 3♥️. Farha checked while Moneymaker went all-in. As Farha had a stack of 70 BB so he folded. By going all-in, Moneymaker put Farha to the test for all the remaining chips. 

Farha was expected to catch the bluff but he ultimately decided to let it go. Farha believed that Moneymaker had a great hand and folded in such a high pressure pot. Once Farha folded, Moneymaker took the pot of 115.25 BB. A few hands later, Moneymaker had  5♦️ 4♠️  while Farha had  J♥️ T♦️. The flop opened to J♠️ 5♠️ 4♥️. With two pairs, Moneymaker was crowned the 2003 WSOP Champion. This is what led to a crazy poker book. 

It is believed that certain hands will live on in the world of poker and this one surely will. This hand is considered to be the ‘Bluff of the Century.’ Take a look at the podcast by Chip Race. 

This hand took the world by storm and eventually gave rise to a big poker boom. Years later, in the latest episode of ‘Best Poker Moments,’ Moneymaker spoke about the biggest bluff. He mentioned, “It was the perfect hand and it probably ignited the poker boom more than any other hand or any other situation.” He further added, ‘Obviously I’m very fortunate and I got a great life because of it. Just that one moment in time and it changes your life. You never know what’s going to happen.”

Moneymaker’s bluff will go down in history and be spoken about until the time poker is played. For more such interesting articles, keep reading Gutshot Magazine. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Telegram.

Pokerdangal- Cash Dash

Manthra Koliyer is a writer at Gutshot Magazine. She has an affinity for seeing the world through people’s eyes. With a bubbly fun personality, you can always catch her chatting with anyone she comes across. Holding an English Literature degree from Wilson College, Mumbai, and a Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism from Asian College of Journalism, this pop culture fanatic is ready to take on the world with a pen, paper, and microphone. She also actively works on her personal blog called namasteyconvict.blogspot.com, where for a moment she lets you into her drama-filled world.

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