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Fantasy sports
Manthra Koliyer
Posted on 06 Nov, 2020
By Manthra Koliyer
On 06 Nov, 2020
By Manthra Koliyer
On 06 Nov, 2020

What you must know about Fantasy Gaming in India!

The Indian Premier League is one of the most looked forward series across India. What makes the matches stand out is the diversity in how players are selected, the chosen period when the IPL takes place and of course the element of loaded fun! 

Longing to visit the Wankhede stadium or Chinnaswamy stadium could be the only aspect we’re missing out on during this IPL 2020, but lakhs of people around us invest money on apps that help them win a few extra bucks. You could be a millionaire or a migrant worker, but the urge to pool in money for anything that gets you a jackpot in return would always be tried. 

Here are five tips that you must remember before you place a bet:

Diversify your investment

From Dream11, BalleBaazi, Halaplay, Fan Fight to My11Circle and many more apps that are now in the market for fantasy sports. You have multiple applications available and you must go through the terms and conditions while exploring features of these apps. As a potential investor, you should be aware of where your money goes. 

Dream11 has lakhs of people investing during every game, but other applications on the contrary have lesser participants but the similar pay-out. This enables you to compete among a lesser number of people but win the same amount. For example, BalleBaazi also has similar prize pools but lesser participants.

Investing scared money

When do you invest money? Why do you invest money? How much should you invest? The term scared money refers to when you pool in money above your capabilities. People that go ‘all-in’ generally are not in a stable state of mind. One must know that when they bet above their capabilities it leads to trauma and even extreme mental problems if the suggested players do not fare well. When you invest what is in your comfort zone, even if the money is lost, you will still be able to function.

Variables Variables! 

What are Variables and how does it matter to you ? Before you decide to pool in money, what are the factors you must take into consideration? You need to be aware of the players performance, their health conditions, their scores in the previous matches, etc. When one comes to a conclusion after considering these points, you may fare well. You will be able to justify your choices, even if they perform exceptionally well or let you down with just ducks! 

Credit Points

I am sure if you are a regular person on Dream11 you would be familiar with this term. Simply put, credit points are the standard credentials fixed for any player by the app itself. Selecting the Captain and Vice Captain after considerable amount of research could fare you maximum credits as the captain is given 2X points. All of this eventually leads you to make your dream team work! 

Mental stability

Having a peaceful state of mind is very important. This is essential not only before placing a bet but even while you watch the match after pooling in your money. It may so happen that you’ve lost all your money, but a peaceful mind would ensure that you do not do that in the first place. When you are in a stable state of mind, you tend to think of the consequences of decisions and aptly make choices. 

These are just a few points from the lot. There are several other tips in our interview with a Fantasy sports celebrity. Wait till 15 November to read the interview from our upcoming e-magazine! To get further information about fantasy gaming, keep reading

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